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2-3 Final Project Milestone One Identify a Fashion Company and Target Customer

2-3 Final Project Milestone One

Q For this milestone, identify a fashion company and target customer for the final project, a fashion forecast presentation. The fashion company can be a manufacturer or a retailer. When writing this paper, make sure to describe a brief history of the company, manufacturer, or retailer. Summarize the demographics, psychographics, and lifestyle of the target customer. Make sure to create a picture collage that shows the hobbies, foods enjoyed, car of choice, and leisure activities of the target customer. You can create this collage on your own or with the use of Polyvore or Pinterest. Milestone One: Identify a Fashion Company and Target Customer In task 2-3, you will submit a 2–3-page paper in Word that identifies, describes, and summarizes a fashion company and target customer for a fashion forecast presentation. The fashion company can be a manufacturer or a retailer. This task will be graded with the Company and Target Customer Rubric.

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Michael Kors is the fashion company which has been chosen to be researched for the fashion forecast presentation. This organization specializes itself in retailing of fashion products like clothing, fragrance in perfumes, branded footwear, accessories, handbags, jewelry, handbags, ready-to-wear, etc. (Babicheva, 2019). It had been in the year of 1981 that the organization had been provided with an opportunity by its owner to be started. Michael Kors Collection is the phrase used for popularizing the products of the organization in the global world.